Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trip to the Park

Monday afternoon it was so nice outside so
after I picked Aleigha up from daycare we
headed straight to the park. I'm so glad we
found this park a few weeks ago. It's less than
10 minutes from our house. It has a water side
to it as well that will start in May so I know
one little girl that will enjoy that.

Aleigha has her "independent" moments but for
the most part she is very dependent on us. She
doesn't venture to far and is constantly looking
up/around to make sure I'm in arms reach. I see all
of these kids running freely far away from their parents
but not my child. I have to be right there, every step
of the way. But I'm not complaing, it doesn't bother me
at all that I have to constantly be right there on my part
but for her sake I wish she could be a little more dependent.
The sand was bothering her & she noticed some
other kids had their shoes off so, off with the shoes.

And her favorite....not the slides or the tunnels,
nope this little rocking alligator chair.

She thought she could run up the slide like
the other kids. Yeah, that didn't turn out so well.
And after 2 hours she finally ventured and
started playing with one little girl. I did have
to remind her a few times that she needed to
share her sand toys, but she had fun.
So if mother nature permits we'll head back to the
park today or tomorrow. Hope everyone is having
a great week so far!


Erin said...

I love the park :) So much fun in the warmer spring and summer days!

Margaret said...

I love taking Riley to the park, but its a lot harder these days:)Aleigha looks like she had a lot of fun!