Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Corn Maize

Yesterday we took a trip to The Corn Maize.
The weather was great & considering that
Aleigha only took a 10 minute nap yesterday
we had a good time.

Silly Goose

I was trying to get a better picture
of her eating this pickle because
it was so cute but she just wouldn't
let me.

Tyler (in the middle) pumping water
to get his duck to the other end.

They had a building filled with about a
foot of corn in it so the kids (and adults)
could get in & play.

Aleigha didn't care for it to much
but Tyler loved it.

I was so mad that this cute little
cow train was not working.

I have a feeling that they would
have loved it.

This was a huge tarp like thing buried in the
ground and was somehow blowed up
that kids could jump on and Tyler did not
want to quit.

And were off through the Maize. Well not
exactly. Everytime we would get to a turn or
needed to go a certain direction we couldn't
because it was so muddy from all of the rain
we've had lately. From what we got to see it
was pretty neat. Maybe we can go back soon!

There was a clown passing out candy when
we first got there & Aleigha would not take
this sucker out of her mouth for anything.

What a cute scarecrow!

Tyler & Lil' Ray

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