Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aleigha's Birthday Part 1

Saturday was Aleigha's 2nd birthday party & it went so well.
I was/still am miserably covered in poison ivy.
That's why it has taken me so long to post any pictures.
I didn't get near the pictures I wanted but honestly
I was itching so bad I couldn't even think straight.
We decorated mostly with tons of Elmo balloons and
the primary colors red, blue & yellow.
Here is her cake/cupcakes below. I loved how
the cake turned out and it was delicious.
I didn't get a good picture but you can see
Dorothy hanging out behind the cake.

This is the banner my Mom & I made. A little
scrapbook paper, card stock & ribbon. It was time
consuming but lots of fun to make and we can use
it over & over. I'll just have to take off or change the "2".

Here's elmo hanging out waiting to be pulled on.

We also had a bucket full of Elmo juices and the

kids went crazy for them.

I also had a little red bucket filled with Hershey

nuggets with Elmo wrappers. These were a hit

also. Everyone thought they were so cute.

Here are the tags I had made that went on the

goody bags. I filled the goody bags with small toys,

stickers and fruit roll ups and then when it was time

for the pinata I handed them out & they filled their

bag up with candy!

I have more pictures to come, I'm just breaking it

up because I can't sit still for very long. This itching is

making me crazy and the medicine they have me on

makes me extremely hyper.

1 comment:

Erin said...

you sure did go all out :) love it! Love the banner!