As you can tell from the first post we had an
absolute Elmolicious party.
Here's me and the birthday girl while the party was starting.
back yard at first but she warmed up & started to play.
We began opening gifts and she had so much fun
going through them all. Papaw got her a princess
case full of make-up. How cute!
paper on this present.
I dont think she minded one bit.
clothes, shoes, beach/sand toys, oven mittens & cookie dough
for her kitchen and 3 purses from Gymboree. I think
she has a purse to match every outfit she has.
let's just say it was a big hit at the party. I
thought it was cute that all of the little boys
beat her getting into it :)
She can't quite reach the pedals yet but
she loves riding as a passenger.
another hit. All of the kids wanted to play
with it.
"Pin the Nose of Elmo".
Here's the birthday girl swinging away!
Granny & Aunt Buddy got her a picnic table.
cousin Tyler won with his nose being the closest.
to blow out her candle. I'm disappointed I
didn't get an actual picture of her blowing
out her candle but I'll deal.
sand/water table.
Baby girl was picking up as much candy as she could.
I didn't think it was fair for the big kids to bust
Elmo to pieces while the babies watched.
Lindsey (Addison's mom) & I grew up together and
are very good friends and our babies are in the same
class at daycare and you can tell. All day, if you seen
one of them the other was soon to follow.
(their daycare teacher says they fight all the time)
kinda funny huh!
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