Tuesday, March 16, 2010

12 Days til 2

I can't believe there are only 12 more days
til Aleigha turns 2!
I have almost everything ready for her party
with a few exceptions
and all the invites have been sent.
We tried getting a pic of her in her birthday
outfit for her invite but she wasn't having it
so we had to pick one we already had & since
she never smiles this is the best we
came up with but I love it.
I am skipping school today & keeping her home
with me. She was up all night whining/crying
and running fever in the 101-102 range.
Other than a little runny nose there isn't anything
else visibly wrong with her but she may be cutting
some teeth. She's never really ran fever with
cutting teeth so I'm not sure what's going on so
I'm just gonna watch her for a few hours before
deciding to go to the doctor again.
I hope everyone is having a great week so far!


Erin said...

Oh my goodness she is turning 2!! I love the invite, how cute :) Can't wait to hear about her party and I hope she feels better soon!

Mandy B said...

cute invite, can't believe shes already 2! I always say that makes me not want kids when I watch other peoples grow so fast :) Did ya send Melissa an invite? I'm sure she'll bring Rydon! Have fun!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I hope she feels better soon! I love the invitations. Very cute! I hope she had a great birthday!