Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Dat, Who Dat

We got all geared up ready to watch the
beat the
last night but one little trooper didn't care
one bit about football. All she kept doing was bringing
the remote to us saying "Melmo"! And being that
she has to be in the same room with us at all times
we had to figure out what we were gonna do.
Portable dvd player it is. So this little lady
got to watch Elmo.

It was a close game but we watched the
Saints win 31-28 & our boys
are headed to the Super Bowl.
Who Dat! Who Dat!
2009 NFC Champions


Erin said...

It was an amazingly stressfull game. I can't complain about the loss because the game was great to watch!! The vikes had some horrible plays and turn overs and we didn't deserve to win . . boo!!!! :)

darcie said...

I live in Minnesota but am not a football fan - would have been nice to see the Vikes pull it off - but with the play they displayed...