On the way to Alabama to celebrate
Christmas with Henry's family
not this time, she was so happy all week playing
with her cousins & "jumping" on the trampoline
However she wasn't very intersted in her own toys.
She wanted to play with the big girls toys.
she loved this thing! I told you she wanted
nothing to do with her toys :)
it was beautiful up there! And yes our ears
were popping on the way up.
Tyler spent the night for the first time!
Oklahoma & open more presents
at my parents house. Aleigha loved the sparklers.
As soon as it would die out she would start
fussing for another one!
all across the country so we have spent
lots of time inside. Normally I'll give her play doh
to play with while I'm getting breakfast or
dinner together but lately we play with it often.
{Aleigha kept calling the circles pancakes}
and she absolutely loves them. For some reason she always
goes for the yellow pair. It never gets old seeing her running
in the room with these little high heels on. It puts a smile
on my face everytime.
Little monkey snuck in the kitchen & got my purse
off the table and was digging for gum quite rapidly
so she didnt get caught. I just loved this picture though
with her heels on digging in momma's purse :)
up some her babies to watch. How cute!
demolishing every room and I go behind her
picking up.
Also Aleigha is officially in the 2 year old class at daycare {tear}!
No longer does she sleep in a crib, she sleeps like a big
girl on a mat on the floor. They also do not put her in
a highchair to eat, she sits at the little table and eats like a big girl.
She adjusted very well and loves her new class alot. I think
she adjusted better than I did!
1 comment:
you have such an adorable family!!
your little lady is a doll! :)
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