Wow, this week has gone by so fast. We took Aleigha to see Santa Tuesday night and let's just say that picture deserves a post of it's own :) I finally finished up our Christmas shopping this week also. Aleigha has her Christmas party at daycare today so my Mom came over yesterday & we made some Christmasy sugar cookies. They turned out really cute. I also finished up making some cute little ornaments (idea came from Kelly over at Kelly's Korner) for the kids in Aleigha's class and I just love them. We are taking Aleigha to Natchitoches this weekend to see their Christmas lights. It's almost 2 hours away but we used to go every year with my parents when we were growing up and it is so much fun. They have a little North Pole set up down by the river and all sorts of stuff going on down there. Can you tell I'm excited? Henry has never been either so I'm excited that he'll get to go as well. We are also celebrating Christmas with my parents this weekend since we will be spending Christmas day with Henry's family. Busy busy weekend ahead but that just comes with Christmas time right?
Things I’m Loving Friday #544
2 days ago
1 comment:
I love that she still wants to play outside even though its cold. And the picture of her on the present is too adorable!
I hope you guys are enjoying getting ready for the Holidays!
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