It feels like I haven't updated in forever but I guess I really haven't. We finally got moved back in our house after the flood, so thankful there was not alot of damage. Aleigha had a cold a few weeks ago and she finally got over it. Her vocabulary is growing more & more, it seems like she learns new words everyday that are actually understandable. She is growing to actually. Even though she lost weight when she was sick her 18 month pants are starting to get a little short on her. Also, yesterday when I picked her up from daycare they said she would be moving up to the 2 year old class soon. :( I am not looking forward to it at all. It's all going by way to fast, I wish it would just slow down. I don't have many pictures from the last month because things have been so crazy but here's a few from the last week.
Just looking cute

Thanksgiving day went by really fast it seems
& this is one of the only pictures I got. When we got
to my Granny's she was being really shy & just sat in my
moms lap forever.

Henry's family came for Thanksgiving & we
had alot of fun. When they got here I told the kids
we could make smores before they left & that's
all I heard everyday until we did it.

They had never done it before & loved
every bit of it

Aleigha with all of her cousins
Also, after a year of sleeping with us were trying
to get her to sleep in her bed again. As you
can see the look on her face it's not
going so well!

Getting ready for daycare this morning
Maybe now that we are back home I can get back into the swing of things :)
I love the pictures!
Oh my gosh what a little cutie pie! I remember weaning my son from sleeping with us. He was around 18 mos. old too. He did fine in the crib for naps, but night time was Mommy time. But I had someone else who wanted night time to be Daddy & Mommy time ;) Hang in there, she'll settle into it!
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