Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet Summertime

We have been making the most of our summer
and spending time with friends whenever we
have the chance. We've also been trying to beat
the heat like most of the country. In order
to be outside water almost always has to be involved.

Addi came over one afternoon to play and we
enjoyed her so much. She's such a sweetie
and her & Aleigha play much better than they
did when they were a little smaller.

It rained ONE day for a short time and miss priss
wanted her bathing suit on & her rain boots and boy
did she have a good time!

We went to eat  and out for ice cream one night with
friends and afterwards they came over to play. Nevaeh
and Aleigha played pretty well together for a 3 year age
difference and while they played us adults play
Yahtzee :)

Playing doctor with Daddy!

I hope everyone is having a good week so far.
Aleigha starts dance today so were pretty excited!

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