Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Morning

I was so excited for Christmas morning because I knew
this is the first year that Aleigha actually got the whole
Santa is coming deal. She didn't even know what to
think when she came in & seen what Santa left. We
had such a fun morning playing with all of her
 new toys. Santa knew she had outgrown all of
her baby toys & he was extra nice this year.

She just stood there for a minute when she first walked in there.

Checking out her new dollhouse.

Her new art easel is another favorite around here!

Emptying out her stocking finding all the goodies in there!

She loved her new backpack!

And her Tinkerbell tutu & wings!

But I think her favorite is her baby doll highchair and
baby alive doll that you feed. We play with this every
single day.

Papaw went back to work so Mamaw & Pop stopped
by to see what Santa brought!

We had such a great Christmas morning at home playing
with our little monkey. But then we had to get ready & head
down to my Grannys house for Christmas lunch and family time.
I'll post more about that later.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I wouldn't knw what to think if santa brought all that either ha ha!! That is insane!!