Since we've been stuck inside for days now due to
the rain we have been working on some crafts.
I see lots of crafts on blogs & if it's something
that I think Aleigha would like we try it out.
At daycare they do a letter of the week in her
class so I'm trying to work on that same letter
with her at home. This week at school they
are working on the letter R so we made some
Rainbow R's!
all you need is glue (Aleigha's favorite part) and
some construction paper!
She had alot of fun with this. I would tell her which
color to get & she would lay it down.
Let them dry & cut them out and there you have it!
I also seen a cute little Valentine's mobile and
thought it would be cute to make & hang in her
room so I got out some construction paper &
thread & we got to work. I think it turned out cute!
What crafts have you been working on lately?