Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Not Feeling So Good

On Sunday Aleigha had a runny nose & her gland
was swollen but she didn't act like she felt bad & wasn't
running fever. Well she couged all night long & had us up
until 4 a.m. so Monday morning I figured I should get her to
the doctor. I was upset because her Valentine's Day party at
daycare was Monday. It was originally supposed to be Friday
but since we live in a state that rarely see's "bad" weather
everything closes at the first sign of snow. I had
already made cookies for the party so we went ahead
and took them up there & in return they went ahead &
gave Aleigha her goodie bag. When we got back home
I let her go through it & she kept making ewwww's
and ahhhh's. It was so cute. She knew she had
received some good stuff :)
Here she is going through her bag
On the way to the doctor I put my sunglasses
on so she wanted hers, so I gave them to her.
When I looked back to see her this is what I saw
Ha! I just love her.
And this is what she does everytime we go
to the doctors office....tears all the paper up
off the table
She kept looking in the mirror saying
"dat leigha"
I thought it was cute because she
normally refers to herself as baby
Come to find out she was getting a sinus infection. After some antibiotics & some prescribed antihistamine
she is feeling much much better.


Margaret said...

Riley loves tearing the paper too:) I hope that she gets all the way better!

Annie said...

your babe could not be any cuter!!!
i hope she is feeling better soon :)
have a great weekend hun!