Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Little Baby has a Baby

We had a little shopping to do this morning and I have been wanting to get Aleigha a baby doll stroller so while we were out I got one for her. She played, pushed & pulled that thing all day long. Sometimes it had a baby in it and sometimes it didn't but she loves that stroller.


Erin said...

Alex just loves all her babies!! She will love pushing her baby around!

Margaret said...

That's so fun!

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

She is so cute pushing that stroller! We're going to have to get one of those soon because Lucy loves dragging around like 3 babies at time. Its turned into quite an obsession :)

Pineapple Princess said...

Your daughter has got to be the cutest thing ever!

Hope you have a great weekend!! :)