"The Honest Scrap award comes with a caveat or two. Firstly, you have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Secondly, you have to tag 10 people with the award. Thirdly, let all the people you've given the award to know that they've gotten it (comment on their blogs or something). And finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you."I got this award from Erin over at It's All About Alex! I found her blog about her daughter about a month or so ago through another blog and thought it was interesting! I am excited to have this award but not sure if I have 10 ten things to share! My blog is mainly about my daughter Aleigha so with this award you can learn 10 things about "Aleigha's Momma"
1. If it weren't for my parents/family I would love to move out of Louisiana...Austin, TX preferably.
2. Aleigha was not planned, she was a total surprise!
3. I have never broken a single bone in my body.
4. I had eye surgery twice as a baby.
5. I am a reality tv junkie.
6. I do NOT like to cook!
7. I want more than anything to get out of nursing school.
8. Photography classes at the local community college are in my near future.
9. Before I met Henry I did not want kids, not even 1!
10. I have really bad allergies (tree, mold, etc...) & I take shots for them.
Oh man that was hard to think of 10 things that people don't know about me but I did it! So I figured I would do like Alexandra's Mommy add 5 things you don't know about my daughter!
1. She is recently on a food strike
2. She will NOT nap at daycare
3. She loves when I take her shoes off
4. She has a tan line from her bathing suit (even though she's biracial)
5. She loves fish!
Now for 10 people to pass this on to! Hopefully I don't pick people who have already done this!
Margaret at Green Beans & Little Things
Shay at Intro to Chaos
Jacqueline at Loving Life with Lucy
Aimee at Mady O, Super Baby Extreme
Cynthia at Our Life...Just the Beginning
Rain at She Makes my Heart Melt
Kelly at The Parker Family
Jen at This Little Piggy's Life
Lisa at The Big Texas Hill Family
Mama at A Future & a Hope
Hopefully these ladies play along and we can all learn something new about them! I hope everyone is having a great week!
1. If it weren't for my parents/family I would love to move out of Louisiana...Austin, TX preferably.
2. Aleigha was not planned, she was a total surprise!
3. I have never broken a single bone in my body.
4. I had eye surgery twice as a baby.
5. I am a reality tv junkie.
6. I do NOT like to cook!
7. I want more than anything to get out of nursing school.
8. Photography classes at the local community college are in my near future.
9. Before I met Henry I did not want kids, not even 1!
10. I have really bad allergies (tree, mold, etc...) & I take shots for them.
Oh man that was hard to think of 10 things that people don't know about me but I did it! So I figured I would do like Alexandra's Mommy add 5 things you don't know about my daughter!
1. She is recently on a food strike
2. She will NOT nap at daycare
3. She loves when I take her shoes off
4. She has a tan line from her bathing suit (even though she's biracial)
5. She loves fish!
Now for 10 people to pass this on to! Hopefully I don't pick people who have already done this!
Margaret at Green Beans & Little Things
Shay at Intro to Chaos
Jacqueline at Loving Life with Lucy
Aimee at Mady O, Super Baby Extreme
Cynthia at Our Life...Just the Beginning
Rain at She Makes my Heart Melt
Kelly at The Parker Family
Jen at This Little Piggy's Life
Lisa at The Big Texas Hill Family
Mama at A Future & a Hope
Hopefully these ladies play along and we can all learn something new about them! I hope everyone is having a great week!
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