Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easter Eggs

After Aleigha's birthday party we
thought it would be fun to go out to
my Mom's & let all the kids dye & hunt Easter eggs
 since Henry's brother and family were
 already here for the weekend.
Once we got home to get things together to head
to her house it came a down pour. So we ended
up staying home & and doing it there. I was
bummed cause my cousin & his family
were leaving the next morning and I wanted
to spend that time with him & the kids but
it was too nasty outside to haul around 6 kids.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Aleigha's 5th Birthday

Even though it's been a month I'm gonna post pics from
Aleigha's birthday party. We had it at the skating
rink and she had so much fun. I'll let the pictures do the

"Thanks for rolling with me!" Love, Aleigha

She is already planning her 6th birthday party :) 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Duck Dynasty

We had family come in from Oklahoma to spend this past
week and we enjoyed spending time with them. They are
originally from here and we love anytime we get to see them.
My Dad's brother & my Mom's sister are married also & it was
one of their boys (my first double cousin) & his family that were here.
They are huge Duck Dynasty fans like we are & wanted to make
the 2 hour drive to Duck Commander & check it out. When
Aleigha heard they were going she was all in. Would not
take no for an answer & wanted to go too. I was a little
jealous that I had to work but excited that she got to tag
along with them.  

She had so much fun & they even got to meet Willie. Aleigha came out
of some of her shyness & told him "I watch you on tv" :) 

She came back with some goodies & has been proudly
sporting her Duck Commander tattoo and tshirt. 

I hope everyone is having a good week. I work the next two
days & then I'm off for a 3 day weekend. Woohoo!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Loves

 These two make my heart happy!

Happy Hump Day! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bath Paint

My girl enjoying her bath with a little paint! She
absolutely loved this stuff...Until she found out
the hard way that it is NOT tear free. Uh oh :(
Mom fail! I felt terrible but needless to say
she avoided getting it on her face from then on!
I'll pay more attention next time.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Weekend

The weather was so nice this weekend & we took full
advantage of it. Friday night we went to visit some friends
that had a baby a few weeks ago. I got to snuggle sweet
little Houston. Not good for my ovaries. Maybe Aleigha
will get a sibling sooner rather than late ;)
Isn't he precious?!?
Saturday we kept my nephew Tripp for a few hours
so my brother & wife could go on a date. We decided to go
to the Boardwalk to walk around & shop.

They had fun just running loose. My brother & wife met
us down there to get Tripp & our friends with the new baby
came to walk around & shop awhile.

They ended up coming over when we left the Boardwalk & their
little girl Nevaeh stayed the night with Aleigha. These girls played
& giggled until after midnight. They had so much fun together.

Daddy got up and made us green pancakes to celebrate
St. Paddy's Day :) The girls loved them!
Silly girls before heading to church. We took Nevaeh home
around 3 & our girl was exhausted. She fell asleep on
the way home & took an almost 4 hour nap. Yikes! I should
not of let her sleep that long but she NEVER naps so I kept thinking
she would wake up. Kind of nervous as to what tonight brings!

Hope everyone had a great weekend & a Happy St. Patricks Day!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

I had to work on Love Day & the day before so
we celebrated a few days early! Aleigha loved all her goodies,
especially her new rain boots & The Little Rascals movie.
We have watched that movie more times than I'd like
to count in the last month and she can pretty much quote
the whole thing now.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spending time with Daddy

With me working 12 hour shifts 2 & sometimes 3 days in a row has definitely
made these two grow closer. Not that they weren't close but she is more
so a Momma's girl. Where I go, she goes! But with me being gone she's
home with Daddy by herself alot more.
 Where we play make-up & babies, they play the Wii & wrestle! But that's not to say
Daddy hasn't gotten his finger nails painted a time or two ;)


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bubble Bath

This child loves to take a bath!
Throw in some bubbles & bath color drops
and she is in love!

Love that sweet face!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Treasure Hunt

The other day the weather was gorgeous & nice enough
to play outside after school. Miss Priss decided to
go on a treasure hunt in Daddy's dirt pile!

She said "Momma, I'm digging for gold"

I dont thing she had any luck with finding gold
but we all enjoyed spending the afternoon outside!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my little brother!
He turned 27 on the 4th and we celebrated after
church last Sunday!
Mom's homemade cooking, cake & family
is what it's all about!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A girl & her make-up

This girl loves to put on make-up. Sometimes she likes to do it
herself & sometimes she likes me to do it but she ALWAYS
wants to pick which colors :)

And I tell her she's beautiful every.single.time! I want her to stay little foreverso we can keep using play make-up
 though! ;) I treasure these times with her.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Under the weather

Last Thursday at work I started feeling like I
was getting sick but tried to ignore it. You know,
ignore it, and it'll go away! Yeah right! I woke up
Friday feeling awful so I went to the doctor & luckily
it was nothing contagious! But after & shot &
prescribed antibiotics I was still feeling yucky
so I hit up redbox for Aleigha & told her
we'd make a pallet in the living room 
and we all slept there all weekend. 
Sister was in heaven.
I was still feeling bad Saturday but not as bad so
we worked on a St. Patty's Day craft. She loved it!

And she painted a little bit.

It was good to have a low key weekend at home because
we have been so busy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Crazy Hair Day

CrAzY Hair Day at school today....

For a super crazy girl!

Pizza for Dinner

We were having pizza for dinner one night so  we
got out the Easy Bake oven and let Aleigha
make her own little pizzas!

She was so proud since she did it all by herself!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Breakfast Date

Had a breakfast date with my girl last week.
One of her favorite things to do is go
to McDonald's before school :)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Missing her Momma

Yesterday Aleigha begged to stay home from day care. She said she
missed me and wanted to spend the day with me. My work schedule
is a typical nurses schedule, 12 hour shifts, 2 days on, 2 days off and I get
every other weekend off however on those 2 days that I'm working it
takes a toll on my girl. She ask me all the time if I can just quit work, ha!

So I let her stay home with me. I used to let her skip day care all the time but
since she is starting Kindergarten soon I'm trying to keep her on a daily schedule but
one day won't hurt and she needed that time with her Momma :)
We spent the first part of the day shopping with my Mom and went to lunch. 

And then we came home & she wanted to put jammies on and do our make-up & nails.
Perfect kinda day for me!

Had so much fun spending the day with my girl even if I turned out looking
like a drag queen :)