Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Picture Time

Back in April we had Aleigha's pictures done.
I absolutely love them and can't wait to get them

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tyler's Graduation

Tuesday night Tyler graduated Kindergarten!

Here are some of his family waiting...

There comes that big boy

Class of 2011

They all had little rhyme's to stand up and say and
it was just to sweet & he did so good!

There he comes with that diploma,
officially a 1st grader!

With his Daddy (my brother)

The Graduate!

Love my nephew to pieces!

Mamaw & Papaw


And my absolute pic of the evening, I hope they
stay like this forever. The love between these sweet
cousins makes my heart happy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day didn't go as expected around here
but it was still perfect. Aleigha has pneumonia
so we knew that we would be staying in instead of
going with my Mom to see my Granny. My parents
did come by for a few minutes on their way so atleast
I got to see her but it's not the same as spending the day
with her but I did get to spend the day with that special
little girl that calls me Mommy.

This is my Mom & Aleigha last year
on Mother's Day!

I've been saying for a while that I wanted Hydrangea's
and Henry & Aleigha got me a plant and I absolutely
love it. I can't wait to plant it. They also got me
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by The Pioneer Woman
and I was excited about thas as well. I can't wait
to start reading it.

So we had a low key day of staying home
in pajamas all day so there aren't many pictures
to share. We ordered Mexican food for dinner
and just laid around being lazy!

I hope all of you wonderful ladies had
 a great Mother's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2011


is hosting a great giveaway for either

A Complete blog makeover
A custom photo invitation or announcement
All you have to do is head over to her blog
and leave a comment. If you mention that
I sent you I'll get extra entries :)

Easter Festivities

I know I am super late on posting this stuff but 
better late than never. Before Easter we went
to an egg hunt with friends at the church and
the kids had so much fun. They had lots of different
activities for the kids to do before the hunt began.

Here is Aleigha working on her sticker sheet above
and below is a foam picture frame we made and
she was so proud of it.

The Easter bunny was there also but let's just say
that she was less than interested in him.

On to the egg hunt. They had so much fun finding eggs
for all about 3 minutes. They hid the eggs right
on the playground so Aleigha & Grisham were
all about playing and less about egg hunting but
they had fun & that's all that matters.

After that we went to lunch at Chik-fil-a and there
was a balloon guy there making all the kids different

It was alot of fun & I'm so glad Kelly & Grisham invited
us to go with them. Later that day they came over
to my mom & dads and we hid eggs for the kids again
and they were able to concentrate on egg hunting a litle more
instead of playing :)