Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

From my family to yours! I hope you all have a
Very Merry Christmas!

Christmas Card 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Girly Grinch

This is how I found Mr. Grinch the other morning.
Isn't he cute in princess high heels!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making Muffins

Aleigha loves being in the kitchen when I am and the
other day she wanted a snack. She ran to the pantry
and came back with a pack of muffin mix and
said "I want to make these mommy"

So we got out her little cupcake set, my brother got
it for her last year for Christmas and it is the cutest thing.
Everything is "mini".

And we baked away.

Her favorite part is filling the baking cups up.
She tells me "no Mommy I do it". Alrighty big
girl, go right ahead!

Less than 10 minutes later we were eating away!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Picture 2010

You may remember from last year that
picture taking is not Aleigha's thing. Well she
gave us a run for our money this year as well.
We couldn't get her to smile at all and this is
the best we could get out of her after
almost an hour of being there. Aleigha
was giving us the blues this day but I'm sure
we'll look back and laugh soon enough!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Friday Y'all

I think we'll be going to see Santa sometime
this weekend. I've been prepping Aleigha for
a few weeks now but I'm not sold that she'll
willingly sit on his lap. She keeps saying she will.
 I'll let yall know how it turns out :)

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Countdown to Christmas 2010

I thought I would link up to Liz's Countdown to Christmas
over at Sugarplum Creations. These first 2 weeks of December
have flown by but yesterday was my last day of school
until January so I'm hoping things will slow down a bit
and I can soak up the rest of the holidays!

Countdown to Christmas

Last Thursday we made Aleigha's Hershey Advent
Calendar and she loved it. I did most of the work and
she ate most of the candy. :)

On Friday night we went to my parents house and decorated
a gingerbread house. They had fun doing this but again
it was more fun to eat the candy as evidenced in the below
picture. You can see little miss putting candy in her mouth.

The kids also helped Papaw get the train set up around
the Christmas tree.

Saturday would have to be my favorite. We loaded up
with my parents, brother & nephew
and drove 2 hours to Palastine, TX to ride

I'm hoping we can make
this a tradition every year. It was so much fun.
The adults loved it as much as the kiddos.

There wasn't anything Christmasy about Sunday but we still
had lots of fun. It was my nephews birthday party at Party Central.
There was lots of game playing, cake eating, sliding
 & go-kart riding. I can't believe my little man is 6 now.

Monday night Aleigha & I finished decorating the tree.
I had to be very patient and remember that this
moment only comes once a year because as fast
as I was putting ornaments on she was taking them
off :)

Tuesday we did a craft. One cute little
girl and some paint later and you have

the sweetest little pillow!

Last night we got in our pajamas and rode around looking
at Christmas lights. What have yall been up to? If you want
to share, hop on over to Sugarplum Creations and link up!

***on a side note, I passed my HESI exam for nursing on the
first try and am very excited to be starting 2nd level in the spring***

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Cheer

Aleigha can be such a little ham. After I put
her pajamas on the other night she got
so excited because Santa was on them. She
was running around and being super silly.

And lets not mention the matching hat.
She L.O.V.E.D. it!
She was asking for it in her sleep during
the night and even wore it to daycare the
next day. I love how she relates things.
She got a plastic Santa from my parents
house but doesn't call it Santa. She refers
to it and every other Santa as a
Christmas! :)

We are headed to Texas this afternoon
to ride The Polar Express and I am
so excited. Hope everyone is having a
great weekend!