Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Fro

In one of my groups on BBC, some of the mothers of biracial babies were posting pictures of their kids with a "Fro". I thought Aleigha's hair was to short but after seeing some of their pictures I figured I could do it & ever since then I've been telling Henry that I wanted to "fro" her hair out. Well last night we did just that. She was actually a willing participant. She fussed a little but let me & her daddy fro her hair out. We just loved it...and so did she. Ha! I kept showing her herself in the mirror & she would laugh. I had to take some pictures!

It's not that big but soon it will be!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Quite Homeade

Tonight Aleigha & I made Halloween cookies
for her class at daycare.
She had fun "helping"

That baby worked so hard

Your supposed to be putting the sprinkles
on top not eating them

Eating the icing was lots of fun too!

Can you tell she liked it?

They weren't quite homeade but we sure
had fun doing it together!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight we carved a pumpkin with Aleigha.
Well actually Daddy cleaned it out & then him &
Aleigha played while I did all the carving.

Getting Started

Making sure Daddy does it right

Being Silly

Finished product

Checking it out

She wasn't to sure of it

My Lil Punkin

Yesterday we met some friends at the St. Luke's Pumpkin Patch.
The kids had so much fun. They laughed, played, ran like mad men,
fell down & even got a little muddy but it was well worth it.
I think they were amazed at how many pumpkins there were.
We attempted getting their faces painted buy let's just say
neither one of them was having it. They did however get
to pick out their own baby pumpkin.

She did not want to sit still for pictures

But wanted in their family picture. Ha!

Oh that sweet face

Addison & Aleigha

Running like a mad man & loving every bit of it!

Taking a break

My Lil Punkin picked out her own pumpkin

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Big Shoes to Fill

Trying to walk in Daddy's work boots!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nursery Rhymes & Computer Time

We bought a computer program for babies
after Aleigha was born and she absolutely
loves it. She gets so excited when you turn
it on & just gets beside herself. She dances
to all the nursery rhymes that play and hits
the keys to see what will happen on each one.
But when I put it on for her today & came back
in the room she was concentrating on it so hard.

I thought it was so cute the way
she was really paying attention
to what was going on. Normally
she just acts silly & dances.

The Corn Maize

Yesterday we took a trip to The Corn Maize.
The weather was great & considering that
Aleigha only took a 10 minute nap yesterday
we had a good time.

Silly Goose

I was trying to get a better picture
of her eating this pickle because
it was so cute but she just wouldn't
let me.

Tyler (in the middle) pumping water
to get his duck to the other end.

They had a building filled with about a
foot of corn in it so the kids (and adults)
could get in & play.

Aleigha didn't care for it to much
but Tyler loved it.

I was so mad that this cute little
cow train was not working.

I have a feeling that they would
have loved it.

This was a huge tarp like thing buried in the
ground and was somehow blowed up
that kids could jump on and Tyler did not
want to quit.

And were off through the Maize. Well not
exactly. Everytime we would get to a turn or
needed to go a certain direction we couldn't
because it was so muddy from all of the rain
we've had lately. From what we got to see it
was pretty neat. Maybe we can go back soon!

There was a clown passing out candy when
we first got there & Aleigha would not take
this sucker out of her mouth for anything.

What a cute scarecrow!

Tyler & Lil' Ray

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Road Trip

This past weekend we went to visit Henry's brother & family. We had a great time & Aleigha was so good all weekend. Aleigha amazes me so much. While we are at home she stays right up under me or her Daddy at all times for the most part. Not this weekend, while we were there she played with the kids the entire weekend. She would come out of the room here & there to check in but mainly stayed in there & played. We were watching football Saturday night & she ran in there to pretty much just make sure we were there & ran back to the room to play. Henry & I were talking about how she is becoming such a big girl.

I was getting stuff out of the fridge & freezer
before we left to get her snacks packed & she
grabbed a popsicle. Well it wasn't the best
thing for her to have but I knew it would by me
a little time to help Henry finish packing
& loading the car. And it worked, not to
mention she enjoyed every single bit of it!

Theres my big girl!

Playing with the big kids. They trashed poor
Landon's room all weekend long but they
had so much fun playing together.
Watching a movie

And eating popcorn!

I can't tell you in words how much
I LOVE this little girl!

To the Moon & Back, yes indeed!

Even when she gives me that mean face
because she is sick of me taking pictures!