Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trip to the Zoo

Two weekends ago we took a trip to a zoo in Texas. Lindsey, Addison, Lil' Ray, Tyler, Aleigha & I all got up early Saturday morning and made the hour and a half drive and it was well worth it. The kids had so much fun. It was hot outside but most of the zoo was shaded so it was nice. We spent about 3 hours there & by then it was lunch time and the kids were ready for a nap so we headed home. Hopefully we'll go back soon so Daddy can go with us.

Addi petting the goat

Aleigha thinking about petting the goat

Tyler & Aleigha

Towards the end they were
sick of animals & just wanted
to play in the grass

Addi was getting tired
Tyler looking at the fish

Me & my love

Looking at the fishies

Lindsey & Addi

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Family Time

Two weekends ago (yes I know I'm behind) Henry's sister Shajuan & her 2 girls Kiana & Zahria came to visit before the summer is over and they head back to school. We had so much fun and after the first day Aleigha warmed up to Aunt Shajuan. She remembered the girls because they came & stayed with us for a week in June, remember. It only took her a few minutes to get warmed up to them & she was ready to play. I wish we lived closer so Aleigha could play with her cousins more often & get to know Aunt Shajuan a little better. It was a great weekend spent with family & I wish we could do it more often.

Wordless Wednesday

Well maybe not quite "wordless"! On Saturday my brother, my friend Lindsey & I took our kids to the zoo. We had alot of fun (I'll post more pictures from that day later). Aleigha is almost 17 months old & I didn't have 1 single picture of her & my brother together until Saturday. He held & played with her most of the day so I snapped away. You never know when you'll get another one, it took 17 months to get these :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not My Child Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Wow this past week was a long one. Henry was gone out of town for work & it was just me & Aleigha at home. On Tuesday night (Wednesday morning acutally) at 1:35 am to be exact Aleigha was not waking me up saying "Mama, Mama". I went to pull her close to me & tell her to lay back down and realized she had no bottoms or diaper on. My dear child most certainly did not take her diaper off & pee all in the bed in the middle of the night. Nope, not my child!

Being that Henry was out of town I picked Aleigha up from daycare everyday. When I picked her up Wednesday her teacher told me she had to get on to Aleigha. My child did not climb to the top of the changing table in their class & she did not laugh at her teacher when she told her "no no get down" and she most certainly did not do it again. Oh yeah, she did not laugh at her teacher once again when she put her in her bed for disobeying. My child would definitely not do that.

Ok, enough about my sweet little child that is never bad. Let's hear what you haven't been doing this week.

Happy Not Me! Monday!